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Nina Spray
My American Experience Throughout My Placement Year
Personal Blog following all my experiences and skills picked up from working and living in America for the year!

15th Blog Post; Second Sing-along, Miami, It's Christmassssss
Christmas Decorations; One of my favourite times of the year is winter and Christmas and if there is one thing I am missing from home...

14th Blog Post; Ft Lauderdale and Opening Gala, plus the Christmas Spirit
Ft Lauderdale; On the 27th of November me and Georgia went to Ft Lauderdale. To get to Ft Lauderdale from Palm beach gardens you have to...

13th Blog Post; My first Thanksgiving
First GV dinner; Throughout this week we had our first proper GV dinner. This didn't exactly go as planned, however it was our first...

12 Blog Post; Point System, Getting Comfortable
Point System: Throughout this week at work we were told about a new points system that is going to be put in place starting on the 1st of...

11th Blog Post; 23 Miles, 1 lighthouse, 10 turtles, 2 bikes
Georgia and Nina's fun day off; On my day off this week me and Georgia spent our day cycling around Jupiter. We cycled 23 miles, saw one...

10th Blog Post; Lobster Bash and Halloween
Lobster Dinner; Every year Admirals Cove host a lobster dinner in their event space, which is known as harbour view. The event hosted a...

9th Blog Post; Polynesian BBQ & Bottomless Mimosas
My first Section; This past week I was given my first shift with my first section in GV on a lunch time. I counted this as my first shift...

8th Blog Post; House of the Mouse & West Palm
Friday the 13th; Friday the 13th I was working in Blü all day, however what made this shift much more interesting was the fact I was...

7th Blog Post; Motivational Speakers and Movement of My Comfort Zone & Rita Ora
Our first full week of work has been completed. Throughout this week everyone has been getting ready for the opening of GV (Golf...

6th Blog Post; Training Finito & Finns Birthday
It's October third and I'm two days in to my third week of placement, and two days into actual work, (not training). Last week was a very...
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