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11th Blog Post; 23 Miles, 1 lighthouse, 10 turtles, 2 bikes

Georgia and Nina's fun day off;

On my day off this week me and Georgia spent our day cycling around Jupiter. We cycled 23 miles, saw one light house, went to one lunch spot, an ice cream parlour and to a marine life centre. The sun was on our side throughout the whole day, we even managed to catch some colour to our skin. We cycled from our house to the lighthouse first, then went and got a light lunch at the dune dog café, then we cycled to the marine rehab centre for turtles (loggerhead marine centre), and finished off the day at Matt's Gelato's for ice cream. It was such a lovely way to spend my day off, because I got to use my new bike and see more of where I live. I felt extremely productive and relatively healthy for spending my day like that and now I am to bike every day I am off.

The Loggerhead Marine Life centre has been my favourite place to visit so far since being in Florida, because I loved hearing all about the turtles and how they ended up their and there and their recovery process so far.

Blessing of the fleet event;

This week I worked the blessing of the fleet event. The Blessing of the Fleet is a tradition that began centuries ago in Mediterranean fishing communities. The practice began predominantly Catholic, but is now practiced by all Christians is a blessing from the local priest and pastors that is meant to ensure a safe and bountiful season. A priest came to the event and blessed the yachts at the club and a large group of the members were there. After the blessing the members came in and celebrated with a three course meal, throughout the event there was a live band as well who were great to watch. This particular event is traditionally very American, so I had never heard of it, however I loved the event and think the main reason I enjoyed the event was because of the atmosphere there.


Throughout the week I have been back and forth with University, I will be visited by Bridget on December 11th, so it will be nice to see a friendly face. Bridget will be coming in to Admirals Cove and meeting with Kara to discuss how my placement is going.

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