Since being in at Admirals Cove all of me and my flat mates have heard a lot about Devils Den, this is a natural springs located in the North of Florida. Eventually we all booked time off and managed to visit Devils Den, but we made a weekend out of it and went to St Augustine and Daytona Beach.
Day 1:

On the first day we drove straight to Devils Den, this is a prehistoric spring, it was also a great location to use my go pro. Walking down the stairs into the cave was incredible and eerie, so magical! We swam in the peaceful prehistoric spring with fish and a turtle.The water was a good temperature, but we all had rented wet suits for our time in the cave. I would recommend this location in Florida to anyone. After spending time at Devils Den we drove to St Augustine, we rented a motel which was cheap yet cheerful. We all got ready and went for a few drinks in a local pub, the atmosphere was lively and friendly with the a live artist singing any songs you requested. After a couple of drinks here we all returned to the motel and went to sleep ready for tomorrow.
Day 2:
St Augustine. St Augustine is a city on the northeast coast of Florida. It lays claim to being the oldest city in the U.S., and is known for its Spanish colonial architecture as well as Atlantic Ocean beaches. One of Dearbhla's friends attends University there and told us about some great locations to see with in the city. First off we did the St Augustine brewery tour, which was such an experience, and was especially nice as it was free! The brewery had great character and architectural features along with some great free samples! After our visit here we went to a vegan and vegetarian friendly cafe, which was great for me as I am a pescatarian. After our light lunch we explored the old town seeing Flagler college, and the tourist areas. Before we decided to head home we went to the Light house. The St. Augustine Light Station is an active lighthouse in St. Augustine, Florida. The current lighthouse stands at the north end of Anastasia Island and was built in 1874; it is the most recent of a number of towers built in the area. We walked to the top of the light house which offered amazing views of St Augustine. On our way back from the St Augustine we stopped off in Daytona for dinner and to see 'The World's Most Famous Beach', this was a disappointment. I had heard this before, but luckily for us we just had a quick pit stop there before heading home. St Augustine was lovely to visit and I am very happy to say I have visited this beautiful city.
Easter at Work: Easter was the last holiday that I worked at Admirals Cove, which I am extremely happy about. I expected it to be a lot busier than it was. the club offered a buffet on the day of the Easter a brunch buffet then later on in the evening a dinner buffet. I worked both events and enjoyed them. I think I enjoyed them, because of the nice atmosphere and friendly members that attended.